Contributed by The Wellness Holiday Boutique
In modern life, we are becoming more exposed to toxins in the body by contamination in food and water, processed foods, medication and pollutants in the environment.
While our body does have a natural detoxification process, exposure to increased toxins means that our bodies are struggling to cope and can lead to health problems.
Toxins in the body can cause poor sleep quality, low concentration levels and anxiety. A detox (like a fall cleanse) is designed to eliminate toxins from the body and ultimately cleanse the mind, body and soul.
While a detox should only be temporary rather than long-term, people often realize the benefits that they have achieved physically and mentally and can introduce newly learned habits into their lifestyle. Which is why a detox vacation offers the perfect mix.
When the word ‘detox’ comes to mind, the first thing that comes to find for most people is the word ‘starvation’ but there are many different types of detox that can vary in duration and intensity.
From fasting to a low-calorie diet, these cleanses can be combined with herbs, supplements, colon cleanses and enema to aid the detoxification process.
By detoxing, you are allowing your organs to rest and reset, by simulating your liver to get rid of toxins and eliminating these through feces, urine and sweat.
The process of detox can require discipline and with the correct supervision from a specialist, a detox programme will result in boosted energy levels, improved mood, weight loss, reduced bloating, clearer skin, improved circulation and a cleansed digestive system.
A detox vacation can be the perfect way to get the space and support you need. While there are many detox holidays and retreats to choose from, it’s important that you find the right one to ensure that you are able to reap maximum benefit.
In addition, there are often side effects during the initial days of the detoxification process (often referred to as the detox flu) which might make it more difficult to stick to a self-guided detox.
Intrigued? Read on for 5 reasons why a detox holiday could benefit you.