7 Tips for Creating a Cozy Home Reading Nook

by Editor

No matter the season, a cozy nook or corner in your home for reading can be the perfect anecdote to a busy life.

Comfy seating, good light, and of course, books, set the stage for relaxation and stress relief. (And a mug of tea or glass of wine never hurts!)

You don’t need a huge space or big budget to create something magical where you can curl up. Here, expert tips to inspire your own reading retreat at home.

Choose a Spot

Your cozy reading spot can be an unused corner in your bedroom, living room, a spot near or under your staircase, or even a spot in a hallway.

Before deciding on the spot for your reading nook, sit in it and assess how you feel in the space. Will it be quiet, are you cramped, will you be interrupted here a lot, can you make it cozy and comfortable?

– Bibliolifestyle, How to Create a Cozy Reading Nook for Yourself at Home

reading book

Seating: Floor or Chair?

When it comes to reading nook seating, there are a variety of options. Consider using soft floor pillows or even bean bag chairs, which are easy to stack and move out of the way after you use them.

With floor seating, you won’t have to worry about taking up space with chairs, sofas, or other traditional seating.

Don’t want to read on the floor? If the space in your reading nook is on the bigger side, go with a chair instead. Get a reading chair that will be comfortable for enjoying your favourite books.

Rocking chairs, recliners, armchairs, or chairs that come with ottomans are all good options.

– Spacewise, 19 Ideas for Designing a Reading Nook at Home

A Windowsill Works Too

If you have a windowsill with a built-in bench built-in, you’ve got yourself a reading nook. Add a cushion and a few pillows to the bench for a comfy surface to sit (or lie down) on while digging into your latest novel.

And with the window right behind you, you’ll have plenty of natural light, and if you’re lucky, a view to boot.

– Apartment Therapy, 8 Creative Ways to Turn A Small Space Into Your Own Reading Nook

stack of books

Consider Light

“Natural light is wonderful, but you’ll also want to add a really great task lamp for reading into the late hours,” designer Brandi Wilkins shares.

After all, the days of staying up past our bedtimes reading by flashlight are long behind us. “Put a little thought into selecting the right light bulb as well,” Wilkins suggests.

“The bulb should illuminate the nook enough for you to continue reading without struggle, but not be so bright that it appears fully daylight again.” A LED bulb below 3000K is your best pick.

– Food 52, How to Create the Snuggliest, Cuddliest Reading Nook

Add Plants

No calming space is complete without the presence of healing, healthy plant life. Green plants help purify the air, providing your brain with cleaner oxygen, and making sure you are reading to the best of your ability.

– Jasmine Roth, How to Create the Perfect Reading Nook

Stack the Books

What’s a reading nook without a bookshelf? From built-in bookshelves to stacked crates, feel free to think outside the box for options that complement your style.

Small space? Floating bookshelves are a great way to declutter your home while simultaneously adding decor. Place books, plants, lamps, and more on wall shelves to free up space for a small reading area.

– Angi, 30 Reading Nook Ideas to Elevate Your Space

reading nook with joy mug

Other Considerations

Every reader has different preferences. Think about what sort of environment helps you read best. If you need a distraction-free environment, hang a curtain from the ceiling to close off the reading nook.

Add a tabletop fountain if you need music or soothing noises to help you focus and relax while reading. Keep a throw on the back of the chair for the cool, gray days.

If you typically enjoy a cup of coffee or a snack while reading, include a small end table where you can rest your coffee cup and plate. If you don’t have a view, hang pictures of local landmarks to add aesthetic appeal.

– SF Gate, How to Create a Small Reading Nook in a Bedroom

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